Countries Visited
Country, year, the purpose of visit
- United Kingdom, 1984 – 89, For getting postgraduate (Ph.D.) education.
- Switzerland, 1988, To participate in 1st European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD- 88) Zurich.
- France, 1990, To visit Panthéon-Assas University, in Paris, France.
- Italy, 1995, To participate in the workshop on “TELEMATICS” at the International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste.
- Italy,1997: To carry out research work in the microprocessor lab and attend the International Workshop on “TELECOMMUNICATION: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, & APPLICATIONS” at ICTP, Trieste.
- United Arab Emirates, 1997, Private visit.
- United Kingdom, 1997, To give a presentation on “Recent Developments in PC-based Instrumentation” at Feedback Instruments Plc, Crow borough.
- Malaysia, 1998, To present paper at International Wireless and Telecommunication Symposium (IWTS’98) at Kuala Lumpur.
- Singapore, 1998, To visit the school of EEE, Nanyang Technical University.
- United Kingdom, 1998, To present paper in XII EUROSENSORS Conference, held at University of Southampton, UK.
- Italy, 1998, To attend workshops on “Microprocessor-based Real-time Systems” and “VLSI Design Techniques”, at ICTP, Trieste.
- Italy, 2000, To attend the workshop on “Mathematical Problems in Image Processing”.
- Italy, 2001, To attend Summer School on “Mathematical Control Theory”.
- USA, 2001, To present paper in IASTED Conference on “Parallel & Distributed Computing & Systems”, Anaheim, California.
- United Kingdom England, 2003, Short visit, Dept of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton, July 2003-Sep 2003.
- China, 2004, To attend and present paper in World Engineers Convention (WEC 2004), Shanghai, 2-06 Nov 2004.
- Thailand, 2004, To visit Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Nov 2004.
- UAE, 2005, Invited by Intel Pakistan to attend the workshop on “High-Performance Computing”, organized by Intel Corporation, March 2004.
- Italy, 2005, To attend School on “Radio Based Computer Networking for Research and Training in Developing Countries”, Feb 2005.
- Netherlands, 2005 Private visit.
- Belgium, 2005, Session Chair in Telemedicine Conference.
- Germany, 2005, To attend training on Leybold Equipment at Leybold Dedatic, June 2005.
- Finland, 2005, To visit Helsinki University of Technology and Nokia R&D Centre, June 2005.
- Sweden, 2005, To attend 13th Nordic-Baltic Conference Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, June 2005.
- Italy, 2007, To attend workshops on “Advanced School in High-Performance Computing Tools for e-Science” at ICTP, Trieste, March 2007.
- England, 2007 to Sept 2008), To carry out postdoctoral research at the School Of Electronics & Computer Science University of Southampton, Southampton, UK.
- Thailand, 2009, To attend a workshop on Erasmus Mundus Cooperation Window Project “Mobility for Life”, 12 Aug 2009.
- Denmark, 2010, To attend the Postdoctoral Research Programme under Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Project “Mobility for Life”– in cooperation with e-Learning Lab, Aalborg University, Denmark, May-June 2010.
- Italy, 2011, To attend “Workshop on Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring in Developing Countries” organized jointly by ITU and ICTP, 28 Feb to 11 March 2011.
- Malaysia, 2011, To attend kick-off Meeting of European Commission Erasmus Mundus Project “Strong-Ties” at University of Malaya, 12 Oct-16 Oct 2011.
- Thailand, 2012, To present paper as a keynote speaker in 1st International Conference on: ‘Mobility for Life: Technology, Telecommunication, and Problem-Based Learning, 05-07 March 2012.
- Denmark, 2012, Department of Electronics, Aalborg University invited to conduct Ph.D. defense as an external examiner, 25-28 June 2012.
- Spain, 2012, Malaga University, Spain for MOU signing, 30 June 2012.
- Denmark, 2012, To present invited keynote paper in ITU/CTIF Conference at CTIF, Aalborg, 07-8 Oct 12.
- Norway, 2012, To witness NOBEL Peace Announcement ceremony, NOBEL Peace Museum Oslo, 12 Oct 2012
- Ireland, 2013, Erasmus Mundus visiting Fellow at the Department of ECE, University of Limerick, Ireland, Aug-Oct 2013.
- UK, 2014, Erasmus Mundus exchange program collaboration, City University London, 26 Feb to 2nd March 2014.
- UAE, 2014, Guest Speaker, SZABIST Dubai, 4th March 2014.
- Cyprus, 2014, Erasmus Mundus Selection Committee Meeting, Nicosia, 26 March-29 March 2014.
- Bahrain, 2014, Guest Speaker, General Electric (GE) Bahrain, 30th March 2014
- Ireland, 2014, Invited by University of Limerick, Ireland to conduct Ph.D. examination as an external examiner, 14-16 May 2014
- Lebanon, 2014, Guest Speaker, National Instruments NIDays Conference, Beirut 17 May 2014.
- Turkey, 2014, Private Visit, May 2014
- Denmark, 2014, Invited by Aalborg University as an External Ph.D. examiner in the area of IoT, Oct 02-04, 2014.
- Thailand, 2014, To attend kick-off Meeting of European Commission Erasmus Mundus Project LEADERS (- Leading Mobility between Europe and Asia in Developing Engineering Education and Research), 16-18 Oct 2014.
- Malaysia, 2014, MOU Signing Ceremony and invited to deliver a keynote talk at UTM, 24- 26 November 2014
- Cyprus, 2015, Erasmus Mundus LEADERS(- Leading Mobility between Europe and Asia in Developing Engineering Education and Research), Selection Committee Meeting, Nicosia, 09 March-14th March 2015.
- Ireland, 2015, EU Erasmus Mundus Collaboration visit 23 Oct-02 Nov 2015.
- Canada, 2016, Private visit, June 2016.
- USA, 2016, To present paper in WMSCI 2016, Orlando, Florida, USA, on July 5-8, 2016.
- Spain, 2016, To organize Global Conference on Wireless Optical Communication (GCWOC’16) at Univ of Malaga, Spain, Sep 05-07, 2016.
- UAE, 2016, Private family visit, Sep 22-24, 2016
- Japan, 2017: IEEE Inc USA Asia Pacific Region 10 invited Japan to participate in IEEE R10 meetings in Tokyo.
- UK, 2017, Erasmus Mundus visiting Fellow at the Department of ECE, City University, London, July-Aug, 2017.
- Spain, 2017, To organize Global Conference on Wireless Optical Communication (GCWOC’17) at Univ of Malaga, Spain, Sep 18-23, 2017.
- Norway, 2018, invited to give a presentation at EU Strategic Workshop on Social Innovation, Tromso, 14-18 May 2018
- Romania, 2018, Invited by EU LEADERS program, Oradea Univ, 15-16 July 2018.
- Italy, 2018, To conduct Ph.D. examination at Politecnico Milano, 18 July 2018.
- Spain, 2018, EU staff Exchange visit under Erasmus International staff exchange program
- Nepal, 2018, To deliver keynote at International Conference on Information Technology for Development (IT4D2018), Kathmandu, 01-05 Aug 2018.
- Spain, 2018, To organize the 3rd “Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (GCWOC’18)” at the University of Malaga, Spain, 01-03 Oct 2018.
- Denmark, 2019, To attend Consortium meeting of EU Capacity Development in Higher Education project CENTRAL at Arhus Univ, 14 Oct-18 Oct 2019.
- Spain, 2021, To attend the EU Capacity Building and ExchaNge towards attaining Technological Research and Modernizing Academic Learning (CENTRAL) meeting in UMA, Spain 04-09 October 2021.
- UAE, 2021, To attend EXPO 2020, Dubai
- Spain, 2022, To attend GCWOT22 and EU Capacity Building and ExchaNge towards attaining Technological Research and Modernizing Academic Learning (CENTRAL) meeting in UMA, Spain 12th – 17th February 2022.
- UAE, 2022, Invited Speaker at Bath Spa University, RAK and Guest of Honour, SZABIST Dubai Convocation, 24th March – 01 April 2022.
- Italy, 2022, Erasmus+ KA107 Staff Mobility for Teaching at Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Polimi) from 14 July 2022 to 28 July 2022.
- Spain, 2023, To attend kickoff meeting of EU Capacity Building in Higher Education project ACTIVE meeting in UMA, Spain Feb, 2023.
- Ireland, 2023, Dublin City University under Erasmus + International credit mobility Program, 8 Jun 2023.
- Canada, 2023, IEEE Section Congress in the capacity of Chair IEEE Karachi Section, Asia Pacific Region, Shaw Centre Capital Hill Ottawa, 11-13 Aug 2023.
- Croatia 2023, Twenty-Sixth Strategic Workshop (SW23) having theme “Massive Information by a Plethora of Devices”, Dubrovnik, October 25-27, 2023
- Romania 2024, Project Progress Meeting and First Training Workshop and 4th Executive Committee Meeting of CATCH_VR Project, university of Oradea, 26-30 June, 2024
- Ireland, 2024, Project progress meeting of “ICT AppliCaTions for sustaInable enVironmental protEction (ACTIVE) project at Munister Technological university (MTU), Munister 03-06 July, 2024
- Canada, 2024, Visting Fellow Lakehead University, Barrie Campus, 09 July-22 Aug, 2024.
- UAE, 2022, Invited Speaker at Bath Spa University, RAK and Guest of Honour, SZABIST Dubai Convocation, 24th March – 01 April 2022.
- Italy, 2022, Erasmus+ KA107 Staff Mobility for Teaching at Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Polimi) from 14 July 2022 to 28 July 2022.
- Spain, 2023, To attend kickoff meeting of EU Capacity Building in Higher Education project ACTIVE meeting in UMA, Spain Feb, 2023.
- Ireland, 2023, Dublin City University under Erasmus + International credit mobility Program, 8 Jun 2023.
- Canada, 2023, IEEE Section Congress in the capacity of Chair IEEE Karachi Section, Asia Pacific Region, Shaw Centre Capital Hill Ottawa, 11-13 Aug 2023.
- Croatia 2023, Twenty-Sixth Strategic Workshop (SW23) having theme “Massive Information by a Plethora of Devices”, Dubrovnik, October 25-27, 2023
- Romania 2024, Project Progress Meeting and First Training Workshop and 4th Executive Committee Meeting of CATCH_VR Project, university of Oradea, 26-30 June, 2024
- Ireland, 2024, Project progress meeting of “ICT AppliCaTions for sustaInable enVironmental protEction (ACTIVE) project at Munister Technological university (MTU), Munister 03-06 July, 2024
- Canada, 2024, Visting Fellow Lakehead University, Barrie Campus, 09 July-22 Aug, 2024